
Wild Imaginary West RPG // with Boylei Hobby Time

Created by Rune Foundry

Hunt monsters in the Wild Imaginary West using grit, mechs, traps, and more. From the world of skilled crafter Boylei Hobby Time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BOOM! The Prospector Has Arrived!
19 days ago – Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 08:17:01 AM

One of the stretch goals unlocked a seventh trade to play as: the Prospector! Take a look at the artwork and the mini, which will be included with the box set and STLs.

The Prospector finds the money in any situation, or else they blow it up.

Artwork by Hardy Fowler
Miniature by Cauê Costa

And here's the latest video from Boylei Hobby Time featuring the Prospector:

Who's excited to play this trade? Which is your favorite trade?

Faction Sneak Peek, BackerKit Survey, & Timeline
about 1 month ago – Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 08:15:32 AM

Howdy partners, we hope you all had a nice holiday season! We've been hard at work on the Wild Imaginary West RPG and we'd like to tell you more about one of the factions Boylei Hobby Time has talked about in his videos:

The Rosewood Security Agency

The Rosewood Security Agency seeks justice and wealth, often at the same time. They are hired as protection for anyone with deep enough pockets, namely the U.S. Railroad Co.

The Railroad pays them well to protect their train cars, tracks, employees, and other assets. As part of that protection, the Rosewoods help to uphold and enforce the law by any means necessary. The Railroad seeks to civilize and bring order to the West through the Rosewoods to increase opportunities for their business. Some towns value the Rosewoods efforts while others see the lawbringers as a threat to their freedom.

Official laws are either few or largely unknown, as are their respective punishments. Rather, the Rosewoods operate more closely to an eye-for-an-eye system under their own moral compasses. It’s important for Rosewoods to maintain order and control by making examples of those who disrupt society. Rosewoods aim to be fair and reasonable although they’re not afraid to get their hands dirty for an extra dollar.

You can identify a Rosewood by the weapons they carry. Each uses beautiful rosewood for the stocks and grips of their guns. They hide any usage of Western electric technology so as to reflect the values of their Eastern clients, namely the Railroad.

Would you join the Rosewoods or try to undermine them? Comment below and let us know why or why not.

BackerKit Survey & Pledge Manager

Well we thought we were going to have the BackerKit survey and pledge manager launched already, but a few hiccups popped up. The BackerKit team and our fulfillment partners have been very helpful to help make sure those few kinks should be resolved soon. Anywho, BackerKit is how you'll be able to enter shipping information, manage your pledge, and upgrade to Legendary or Warden Edition if desired. Sorry for the delay, but don't worry because it's truly coming soon and all backers will be notified!


This year, we'll all be playing the Wild Imaginary West RPG! Working on the stretch goals has been a really exciting addition to the project that we're really grateful you all helped us to reach. The final product will be all the better for it! Here's a look at our expected timeline:

Finishing Writing, Editing, Playtesting, Artwork, and Design: September 2024 - March 2025
Digital Files* sent to backers: April-May 2025
BackerKit survey closes and credit cards charged**: May 2025
Manufacturing, sample reviews, and shipping to fulfillment centers: April-August 2025
Backers receive final products: August-September 2025

We're still on track with our original timeline. We may still need to adjust our timeline expectations based on the extra work required by stretch goals (and any unforeseen circumstances that arise from manufacturing or shipping). So far so good, but we will let you know if anything changes. Admittedly, some of the stretch goals have required a lot more work than we anticipated.

That's all for now, but more updates and reveals to come!

What's a situation in the Wild Imaginary West you can't wait to play? Let us know in the comments and chat with us in the Discord!


*backers will receive the following digital files in April: Wild Imaginary West RPG rulebook, campaign booklet, and East Portal Setting Guide booklet. All will be in PDF and are subject to changes. Other digital files from stretch goals will be sent later as those are ready, such as the mobile/desktop wallpapers and the music.

**includes any applicable shipping charges, late add-ons, applicable taxes, duties, and VAT. All backers will be notified by email before the final charges are processed.

And the Two New Monster Minis Are ...
3 months ago – Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 02:30:23 PM

The votes are in from our poll one week ago and we're very excited about what you've chosen! You unlocked a stretch goal for two new 50mm monster miniatures and here are the results:

With 678 total votes, the Great Horned Owl was the top choice! And with 498 votes, our second unlocked miniature will be the Western Hellbender!

Great Horned Owl - This towering owl with long antlers and a bone-chilling gaze is rumored to snatch away souls as silently as it glides through the air.

Western Hellbender - This slimy salamander of massive size exudes a toxic slime and lurks in riverbeds, dragging unsuspecting victims to their watery graves.

It was a close race for the others, well except for the Giant Centipede—which only had 202 votes. Sorry many-footed-arthropod enthusiasts. As a reminder, all of the mentioned monsters (and many more) will be included in the final book!

What Are We Working On Now?

We're very busy right now with the remaining artwork, miniature designs, campaign, factions, the East Portal Setting Guide, and additional monsters. You probably expect us to say this, but everything is turning out awesome!

"Create a NPC" backers will also be getting invites from us soon to chat about their characters. Can't wait to hear what you have in mind!

BackerKit Pledge Manager Surveys

We're syncing up with BackerKit this week to button up the details on our surveys and test them before they send out. Thanks for your patience and we'll let you know when those begin sending.

Discord | WIW Merch | Quickstart Guide

Monster Miniature Survey + Some Merch!
3 months ago – Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 11:46:41 AM

Monster Miniature Survey

Progress on the project has been going well and we're excited to enlist your help in deciding the two unlocked 50mm monster miniatures that will appear in the box set and STLs! Fill out this form within the next week to place your votes:

Make sure to read the form for a description of the monsters and how we picked the options. All of these and many more monsters will also be included in the book to play with.

Merch for Holiday Gifts

We know lots of people want some of the upcoming merch in time for Christmas gifts, so we're releasing Wave 1 of our available Wild Imaginary West merch! More designs will be coming next year after our artists designs are completed. These products are made to order so there will be a slightly slow shipping time. If you want this in time for the holidays, please order before December 10th. Wave 1 includes the cover art and logo graphics on shirt, hoodie, hat, and mugs. The mugs can make a perfect gift for a miniature painter to hold their paint water or brushes! Of course, they're good for drinking out of too. Just don't drink paint water.

Check out the merch →

Note: Due to costs, merch currently only ships to the U.S. and Canada. We hope to expand our delivering options for merch soon!

BackerKit Surveys Coming Soon

Thanks for your patience on this one as we've been sorting out some details to make sure we're providing the best customer experience. Surveys to enter shipping details and adjust your pledges will be sent out in the next couple weeks. Feel free to message us in the meantime with any questions.

We're excited to hear back on your picks for the monster miniatures! Use the link above to vote now.

There’s Lots Coming Soon!
4 months ago – Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 11:36:54 AM

Howdy, partners! It's been a few weeks since the campaign ended and we want to give you an update on a few of the things we're currently working on.

What Monsters Minis Do You Want?

As part of our unlocked stretch goals, we'll be adding two more 50mm monster miniatures! What are some of the monsters you would like to have miniatures for? Comment below and we'll add some of the mentions to our upcoming survey.

Here's a reminder of the monster miniatures you're getting so far:

  • Prairie Wolf (28mm)
  • Road Runner (28mm)
  • Opossum (50mm)
  • Badlands Sasquatch (50mm)
  • Plains Shepherd (70mm)

We'll send out a survey within the next few weeks with the monster options that Boylei Hobby Time and Rune Foundry think would be ideal for this size of miniature. Stay tuned!

Prospector Artwork + 1st Wave of Merch Coming Soon!

Our artists are hard at work on creating the other stretch goals you've unlocked, including a new character to represent the Prospector Trade. And for those of you excited to get your hands on some Wild Imaginary West shirts and hoodies for Christmas gifts, we're aiming to have those ready for purchase soon so that they can be delivered to you before Christmas day.

Where's the Backer Survey?

Our original plan was to wait to gather addresses until we are ready to also gather shipping payments. Shipping costs won't be finalized until we are closer to our manufacturing and shipping dates. That means we will gather shipping addresses and payments likely in the spring. Please let us know if you prefer otherwise.

Comment below with what monster minis you want to see in the survey and any other thoughts/questions!

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